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Gilad Pagi / Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering

First degrees in Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering at the Technion.

MSc in Mechanical Engineering at the Technion.

PhD in Mathematics at the University of Michigan, 2018.


Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 2004 – November 2007.

Due to the benefits of the program Gilad managed to finish his B.A. in Math while studying as an academic reservist in the BRAKIM program (first+second degree (with thesis) in Mech. Engineering). The program appointed a special mentor from the Math faculty and helped him finish his obligations.

Gilad published an article about his research in his thesis:

G. Pagi, E. Altus, An Air-Polymer Analogy for Modeling Air Flow through Rubber-Metal Interface, proceedings of the 5th IASME / WSEAS international conference in Fluid Mechanics & aerodynamics (FMA’07), August 25-27, 2007, p. 195-200.

He also spoke about his research in the WSEAS FMA ’07 conference, Athens, Greece.


Recommendation to Program participants: “Use the advantages of the Program!”


Today (2018): Gilad is working at Google Inc: Los Angeles, CA.


List of publications.


Gilad Pagi