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Michael Shalyt / Electrical Engineering, Physics

First degree in Physics & Electrical Engineering at the Technion


Bachelors degree in Physics & Electrical Engineering and Masters in Physics (quantum information) at the Technion.

Part of the Excellence program: October 2005 – November 2009.

Michael took some masters degree courses relatively early during his undergraduate studies and did a research project in quantum optics. During the last year of his undergraduate studies he worked in Prof. Meir Orenstein’s group. At the end of the year they published an article about creating photons that are in a state of wavelength superposition: http://iopscience.iop.org/0953-4075/43/10/105502

During his army service, Michael finished his MSc in physics under the supervision of Prof. Yossi Evron. This research was the seed for a wider theoretical approach – published in the New Journal of Physics:  https://iopscience.iop.org/1367-2630/17/4/043009/.


Recommendation to Program participants: “Don’t be afraid. Do advanced courses if they are interesting and ask professors to give you something of your own to work on. It teaches you the most important skill – independance.”


Today (2015): Malware Research team leader at Check Point.

Michael Shalyt