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Oran Richman / Physics, Electrical Engineering

First degrees in Electrical Engineering and Physics at the Technion.
Second degree in Electrical Engineering at the Technion.

Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 1999 – July 2003.


Oran included advanced courses and studied graduate courses as early as his second semester. Those courses enriched and helped him learn things at greater depth then provided by the undergraduate courses.
Oran was involved in several research projects:
– He designed, with another excellence Program graduate, Naeffa Bishara, an
ISCSI client and sever.
– Researh about learning algorithms with Ishay menashe and under the
supervision of Prof. Nahum Shimkin from the EE faculty. (Later, Prof. Shimkin
became his mentor in M.sc).
– Research project, with another Excellence Program graduate, Saar Rahav
and under the supervision of Prof. Shmuel Fishman from the Physics faculty
in quantum physics. At article Rahav, S.; Richman, O.; Fishman, S. Point
perturbations of circle billiards. (English) J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 36, No.40,
L529-L536 (2003).
His mentor from the Program, Prof. Adam Shwartz from the EE faculty, inspired him to be as multi-disciplinary as possible as shown by the list of researches: one in software, one in mathematics and one in physics. Other than that, his second undergraduate project was in hardware design (Analog systems). This affects also his position today, which is multi-disciplinary.


During his M.sc he made a research with Prof. Nahum shimkin:
O. Richman and N. Shimkin, “Topological Uniqueness of the Nash Equilibrium for Atomic Selfish Routing.” Revised, Sept. 2005. To appear in Mathematics of Operations Research.


Today (2012): Engineer in the IDF- serves in MAFAT which is part of the MOD.


Recommendation to Program participants: ” 1. Use your mentor; it can help bring you to new heights. 2. Don’t be afraid to jump overboard, if you don’t try you don’t succeed”.


Oran Richman