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Tal Wagner / Mathematics, Computer Science

First degree in Computer Science and Mathematics at the Technion.

M.Sc at the Weizmann Institute of Science under the supervision of Uriel Feige, 2013.

Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: 2008-2011.
As a student in the Program, Tal took some advanced courses early and without the prerequisites, which, in his words, is a great experience as long as it´s done with careful consideration. In addition, he participated in several research projects.

During the summer of 2010 Tal was a summer intern at the Natural Language Processing group at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT. He took part in a research project aiming to use Tweeter streams to automatically extract details about upcoming and ongoing events, such as music concerts.

During his 3rd year Tal took part in a research project under the guidance of Prof. Koby Crammer from the EE faculty, aiming to develop novel algorithms for binary classification in Natural Languge Processing.

Recommendation to Program participants: “Don´t rush into research projects, and take your first steps slowly and carefully. Rushing into projects you aren´t prepared for will end up being a waste of time. Also, keep an open mind about courses and topics – You might be surprised what catches your interest!”

Today (2018): Tal is now starting the fourth year of his PhD degree in the Theory of Computation group, at MIT.

Homepage: www.mit.edu/~talw

Tal Wagner