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Noam Krupnik / Mathematics, Computer Science

About myself: Born in 1998 in Nofit, Israel. Studied at Carmel Zvulun High School majoring Physics and Music. While at high school, I studied at the "Future Scientist Program" in the Technion, where I took courses and participated a research. In my military service, I served at Ofek – the computers unit of the IAF. During the last two years I have been working as a DevOps developer in high tech companies.

Today, I’m active at the "Ascola alumni network" of the "Future Scientist Center", where I'm involved is several projects. one of them is collaboration with the Nike innovation center in Israel, where lead an innovation team. Another one won a designthon competition conducted by Tel Aviv University, and has been presented in an international conference.

Over the last few years, I volunteered at several places as an instructor and as a musician.

Hobbies and other activities: My biggest hobby is music. I like to play the guitar, bass, piano, and drums. Over the years I performed anywhere I could. I have recorded two original tunes and you can see them on the link section. I like travelling and hiking with family and friends. I like meeting and talking to new people – so feel free to contact me in any manner.


Tunes :

Lectures :

When did you start the program?: Winter 2021.