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Raviv Segal / Computer Science, Electrical Engineering

About Myself:
I was born in Israel in 2000. When I was one year old my, family relocated to the US for four years, and when we came back we settled down in Pardes Hanna.

My first significant exposure to science was through my high school’s robotics team, which participated in the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). Consequently, I got involved with the FIRST organization as a whole, and after graduating, I continued to serve as a key volunteer at events and mentor FRC teams.

I graduated high school in 2018, majoring in physics and mechatronics. I also conducted a maths research project about algorithmically visualising semi-regular polyhedra using turtle geometry.

In the IDF I served as an electrician in the navy. After completing my service, and before joining the program, I worked for a few months as a research assistant at the Ad Quanta lab in the Technion, led by Prof. Ido Kaminer.

Hobbies and Other Activities:

I love thinking visually, and I tend to gravitate towards anything that scratches that itch; puzzles and games, origami and other arts, bouldering, and biking. I was exposed to origami when I was three, and I enjoy folding complex figurative models. Over the years I’ve designed multiple models and even got one published in an Argentinian convention book.